Printing the Right Photo Size for your Ikea Frame

Our customers frequently asked about the right photo size to print for their ikea frames. We will run through an example.

Let’s say you have decided on the 50cm x 70cm Lomviken Ikea frame.

Scroll down a little bit and click on “Measurements”

You should see the measurements of the frame.

There are 2 options:

Option 1: Display your photo with mount/ mat board

Option 2: Display your photo without mount/ mat board

The above diagram may look a little complicated but it’s actual very clear with the dimensions. The dotted line represent the photo print.

For the 50cm x 70cm frame, the wooden frame itself measures 50.5cm x 70.5cm.

For Option 1, the photo to be printed measures 50cm x 70cm. So if you want to have full coverage, go to Ikea prints and select 50cm x 70cm after you have uploaded your photo. When you are framing the print, take out the mat board and there you have it.

For Option 2, the photo to be printed measures 40cm x 50cm. When you are framing the print, use the mat board and a little bit of tape to tape down the photo to the back of the mat board. The photo will be slightly bigger than the mat board so make sure the edges of your photo print takes that into account. The other way for print option 2 is to print 50cm x 70cm, and have your image resized to 40cm x 50cm in the centre of the print. In this way, you don’t need to use any tape because the print will fit the frame nicely.

We have more information regarding ikea photo frames on our Ultimate Guide to Ikea Frames.

If you have any questions, email us at [email protected] or call us at 65471733 and we will do our best to assist you.