Tips on scrapbooking

At some point in our lives, we probably want to do something special for our friends, family, etc. How about doing a scrapbook? It’s meaningful and fun at the same time. But how do you make a scrapbook? Where to start from? Don’t fret! In today’s blog post, I’m going to give you a few tips that will help you. (A/N: I am by no means an expert of making a scrapbook.)

Research for inspiration

Thanks to social media apps like Tumblr, Pinterest, etc. there are many great scrapbook designs out there that can give you a rough idea on how you want your scrapbook to look like. Of course, this does not mean you are to copy from a person’s work. Be inspired and create your own style. You may just end up surprising yourself!

Social Media

Be Creative

Your ideas are limitless and you can do anything that you want. You can try different ways to display your pictures.  You could even place your photos in accordion card inside the scrapbook. We previously did a DIY on it. You can check it out here for the tutorial.

haz accordion

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes

It’s okay if you make a mistakes or two while making it. You can always cover it up or make the mistake as part of the design of the scrapbook! As they always say ‘Mistakes are just a part of learning’.

Covering Mistakes

Use an application for a rough sketch

If you are truly afraid of making a huge blunder to the scrapbook that will make you redo, try using an application online. Canva is a great website for you to plan out your scrapbook. Do note you would need to create an account to use the website. And some features require payment.

Canva_rough sketch of scrapbook

Get ready a stash of washi tapes, scrapbook paper, etc.

Scrapbooking is not complete without decorations. Get ready some of your DIY tool kit (scrapbook papers, washi tapes, etc.) to use to decorate the scrapbook.


And that is it folks! Here are 5 tips on making an awesome scrapbook! Hope you got some useful tips from this post.

‘Till next time!