What to do with your travel photos

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Most of you guys would have already come back from your holiday and would have taken really fun and memorable pictures while travelling. Then comes the question of what to do with them. Not to worry! In today’s blog post we are going to tell you some really cool ways you can display or use the travel photos you’ve taken!

Here we go!

Photos in the shape of the country

Placing the fun memories in the shape of the country that you travel to, is a unique way to print your photos.

Photos in a shape of a country

Scrapbook your adventures

Make a scrapbook out of them! Printing out those moments and displaying then in anyway you wish! Add in some personal journal of how the day went, decorations and voila!


Collage your favourite moments

Sometimes you just can’t choose just 1 favourite moment. We just have so much memories of that place that we want all or most of the photos we took in 1 print. Creating a collage will fix that problem! Our poster collage comes with different size and different squares for you to choose from. Not only that, you can choose to either have it framed or hang it with a wooden hanger.

Poster Collage with frame

Poster with wooden hanger

Change them whenever you wish

I tend to want to change my decor from time to time for fun. Having your own board or a frame with a twine or fairy lights where you can just clip your travel photos (and change them anytime you want) is a good way to display!!

Clipped photos
Fairy lights photos

And that’s it folks! Hope you guys have a rough idea on what to do with those travel photos. You can check out our shop if you are looking for a place to print them out.

‘Till next time!